利用水资源生态足迹模型计算和分析了河池市2004年—2010 年水资源生态足迹、水资源生态承载力、水资源生态盈亏、水资源生态压力指数及万元GDP水资源生态足迹,以明确其水资源可持续利用状况。结果显示:(1)河池市人均水资源生态足迹平均值为0.742 0 hm2/人,人均水资源生态承载力平均值为7.428 6 hm2/人,人均水资源生态盈余平均值为6.686 7 hm2/人,水资源生态压力指数平均值为0.107 7,表明该地区近年来水资源利用处于可持续状态,水资源安全程度高;(2)万元GDP水资源生态足迹年均降幅为7.80%,表明河池市近年来水资源利用效率有了显著提高。最后指出应从水资源均衡因子取值、核算水污染足迹等方面完善水资源生态足迹研究。
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The water resources ecological footprint model was used to calculate and analyze water resources ecological footprint, water resources ecological carrying capacity, water resources ecological profit and loss, water resources ecological pressure index, and water resources ecological footprint per 104 yuan GDP of Hechi City from 2004 to 2010, all of which can help characterize the sustainable utilization situation of water resources in this area. The results showed that: (1) in Hechi city, the water resource ecological footprint per capita was 0.7420 hm2, the water resource ecological capacity per capita was 7.4286 hm2, the water resources ecological profit per capita was 6.6867 hm2, the average value of water resources ecological pressure index was 0.1077, which indicated that the water resources utilization in the area was sustainable and the water resources safety degree was high in recent years; and (2) the average decreasing rate of annual water resources ecological footprint per 104 Yuan GDP was 7.8%, which suggested that the water resources utilization efficiency improved significantly in recent years in Hechi City. Finally this paper pointed out that the water resources ecological footprint research can be benefited from the aspects of water resources equivalence factor value and the calculation of water pollution footprint.