农业面污染包括三方面的内容,即对降雨径流对城市地表的冲刷所带来的污染物造成的面源污染;化肥、农药不合理使用所导致的面源污染;农业固体废弃物的污染,在较大的降雨径流冲刷下的水土流失污染。以2005年为基准年对邯郸市农业面源污染进行调查和分析计算,结果表明,全区化肥流失量占农业污染物的90.91%,是农业面源污染的主要来源。在总磷、总氮、氨氮和COD 4项污染物中,总氮占污染物总量的63.58%,总磷占总污染物的27.22%。研究结果为该区面污染源治理提供了科学依据。
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Agricultural non-point source pollution includes three aspects: non-point source pollution of pollutants caused by rainfall runoff washing the urban ground surface,non-point source pollution of unreasonable usage of fertilizers and pesticides,and agricultural solid waste pollution and water loss and soil erosion pollution caused by rainfall runoff. In this paper, the agricultural non-point source pollution was investigated based on the data of year 2005 in Handan city. The results indicated that the fertilizer loss, as the main source of agricultural non-point source pollution, accounted for 90.91% of total agricultural pollutants. Among the four pollutants of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and COD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus accounted for 63.58% and 27.22% of the total amount of pollutants, respectively. The results can provide scientific basis for remediation of non-point source pollution.