为了通过流固耦合分析,探讨风机建筑一体化中垂直轴风力机叶片和主轴的受力情况,结合实际工程,在结构分析软件ANSYS Workbench中运用单向流固耦合的方法分别对风速是10 m/s和50 m/s时的风机叶片和主轴的静应力进行了计算分析和比较。结果表明:各种工况下,风力机叶片的最大静应力出现在叶片与主轴连接处,风力发电机叶片和主轴的最大静应力随着风速的增加而变大。静应力最高值远小于材料的屈服极限,所以静应力不会使风机叶片和主轴结构产生破坏。叶片与主轴的连接处都出现了应力集中现象,为了防止疲劳破坏,可以适当地加厚叶片和主轴连接处的厚度。
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Upon the analysis of fluid-solid coupling, the forces on the blades and spindle of the building integration wind turbine were discussed. Based on an actual project, the one-way fluid-structure coupling method in the structure analysis software ANSYS Workbench was used to calculate and analyze the static stresses of the blades and spindle under the wind speed of 10 m/s and 50 m/s. The results showed that the maximum static stress of the wind turbine blades occurs at the connection between the blades and spindle under different working conditions, and the maximum static stress increases with the increasing of wind speed. The maximum static stress is far less than the yield limit of material, thus it will not destroy the wind turbine blades and spindle structure. The connection between the blades and spindle has the stress concentration phenomenon, and the thickness of the connection area can be increased to prevent fatigue failure.