通过对河北坝上围场御道口牧场剖面高分辨率孢粉分析,探讨了围场御道口地区6000年(底部15C测年为5.7ka B.P.)以来气候与环境变迁。区域孢粉组合综合反映了该地区6000年以来气候经历了凉略湿-凉干-温略湿-温湿-温略湿-温湿-凉略干七次明显变化,植被面貌为以松和蒿属为主要建群种的针叶林-草原植被,林中伴生少量桦、栎等阔叶树及灌木。研究区的总体气候变化规律可与全新世我国其他地区较好对应。
[Key word]
Based on the high-resolution sporopollen records of the section in the Yudaokou pasture of Weichang County, Hebei Province, the variations of climate and environment since 6000 a B.P. (14C dating is 5.7ka B.P. at the section bottom) in the Yudaokou area of Weichang County were analyzed. The regional features of sporopollen assemblages showed that the paleoclimate in the Yudaokou area experienced seven stages since 6000 a B. P.: cool and slightly wet - cool and dry- warm and slightly wet –warm and wet – warm and slightly wet –warm and wet - cool and slightly dry. Vegetation landscape was mainly coniferous forest - steppe vegetation, which was dominated with Pinus and Artemisia and scattered with a small amount of Betula, Quercus, and other deciduous trees and shrubs in the forest. The paleoclimate change pattern since the Holocene in the study area is similar to that in other regions of China.