通过分析国外重大跨流域调水工程的管理与运营过程中涉及的技术、环境、法律以及经济等多学科的问题, 从 立法、水权、水价、水资源统一管理、工程建设的投资管理以及跨流域调水的运营管理模式等/ 软环境0 方面, 总结了 国外跨流域调水工程运营管理的成功经验, 为我国跨流域调水工程的实施提供参考。
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Thro ug h the analysis of t he technique, envir onment, law , and eco nomy in the manag ement and operatio n o f inter2basin water transfer projects abro ad, this paper summar ized the successful ex per ience o f int er2basin w ater tr ansfer pr ojects in the wo rld fr om the aspects of leg islat ion, w ater r ig ht s, water pr ice, unified manag ement o f water resources, investment manag ement of eng ineering const ruct ion, and management o per ation mode, w hich can pro vide t he refer ence fo r the o per ation of inter2basin water transfer pro jects in China.