泥沙颗粒对水体中的磷具有较好的亲和能力, 河湖中的水沙运动可以改变磷的赋存状态并在一定条件下造成 水体富营养化等生态环境问题。综合近年研究成果, 目前关于河湖泥沙对磷的迁移转化作用研究存在研究内容局 限、作用机理分歧、数学模型不全面等问题, 且多为宏观层面研究。有必要在实验技术创新的基础上探讨水沙微界 面吸附, 并结合生态作用完善复杂条件多因子耦合对泥沙迁移转化磷的理论研究。
[Key word]
Pho sphor us has st rong affinit y t o react w ith sediment part icles. T he motion of flow and sediment can change t he occur2 r ence fo rms of phosphor us that may cause such env iro nmental pro blems as eut ro phicatio n in r iver s and lakes under certain con2 ditions. The recent st udies wer e analyzed, which sug gested that there are some limitat ions in the resea rch co nt ents, co nt rov ersy of mechanism, and incomplete mathematical mo dels fo r the tr anspor t and tr ansformatio n o f phosphorus in rivers and lakes, and pr evio us studies ar e ma inly o n t he macro sco pic level. Fur ther studies sho uld be fo cused on the ex plor atio n o f micr o2adso rptio n betw een w ater and sediment interface on the basis of ex perimental t echnolog y innovat ion, and t heo retic r esear ch of phospho rus transpo rt and t ransfo rmation on the co upling function of multiple fact ors under complicated co nditions.
国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51239003; 51125034) ; 国家自然科学基金面上项目( 51179055) ; 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 资助项目( 51409085)