在水华发生期间, 采集南海子湖藻液, 置于光反应器FMT150 在不同条件下培养, 结果表明: 在12h 周期性条 件培养下, 藻液的溶解氧、二氧化碳、叶绿素荧光呈12 h 周期性响应, 同时, OD680 出现24 h 的日周期; 12 h 后, 将周 期性条件转变成恒定条件, 叶绿素荧光开始时表现为12 h 周期性, 随后周期逐渐变长。由此认为, 浮游植物群落存 在周期性。
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Alg ae liquid w as taken fr om the Nanhaizi Lake during the bloom course and w as put into t he pho tobio reactor FMT150 and cultur ed under diff er ent co nditions. The results show ed that ( 1) under the 122hour per iodic cultivatio n co ndit ions, the dis2 so lved ox yg en, carbon diox ide, chlor ophy ll f luor escence of alg ae so lution appear w ith a 122hour per io dic response, and OD680 show s the daily perio dicity of 24 ho urs; and ( 2) after 12 hours, the perio dic conditio ns wer e changed to t he const ant conditio ns, chloro phy ll fluor escence show s the 122ho ur per iodicit y at first and then t he periodicity sta rts to increase gr adually. The r esults sug gested that periodicity ex ists in the community o f phy toplankton.
国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项基金资助项目( 2008ZX0701220022 004) ; 北京市委、市政府重点工作及区县政府应急预 启动项目( Z10110605540000)