为了解佛山东部地下水中BTEX 的分布情况, 利用2005 年- 2008 年水样测试数据( 37 组地下水水样和10 组 地表水水样) , 采用气相色谱- 质谱联用技术进行测定。结果表明, 地下水中BTEX 的检出率为24. 32%, 6 种 BTEX 的质量浓度在未检出~ 27. 2 Lg/ L 之间。其中, 甲苯的检出率最高, 为24. 32%, 最大值为10. 7 Lg/ L; 苯次 之, 检出率为10. 81%, 最大值为9 Lg/ L, 乙苯、间/ 对2二甲苯、邻2二甲苯均仅有个别组检出, 且均未超标。地下水中 BTEX 主要分布于佛山东部南海区, 以单种BTEX 检出为主; 地下水中BT EX 与地表水中的BTEX 分布特征存在 明显的相似性, 均以甲苯和苯为主。含BTEX 地表污水的下渗是佛山东部地区地下水中BT EX 的重要来源。
[Key word]
In order to determine the distr ibut ion character istics o f BTEX ( including Benzene, To luene, Et hy lbenzene, o2Xylene, m2 Xylene, and o2Xylene) in gr oundw ater, 37 g ro ups of gr oundw at er sam ples and 10 surface wat er samples collected fr om the east2 er n area of Foshan in Guangdong dur ing 2005 to 2008 wer e tested using t he gas chr omatog ra phy and mass spectrum ( GC/ MS) . The results showed that the detection rate of BTEX is 24. 32% in g ro undw ater , and the to tal BTEX co ncentrat ion is low er than 27. 2 Lg / L. Among the six kinds of BTEX, T oluene had t he hig hest detectio n r ate ( 24. 32%) and detect ion value ( 10. 7 Lg/ L) , which was fo llow ed by Benzene w ith the detectio n r ate of 10. 81% and detectio n v alue of 9 Lg / L respect ively. Ethy lbenzene, p2 Xylene, m2Xylene, and o2Xylene w ere only detect ed in a few of samples, and the concentr ations in gr oundw ater did not exceed the st andard. Mo st of samples with BT EX w ere dist ributed in Nanhai ar ea, and most o f g ro undwater samples w ere detected con2 taining only one kind o f BTEX. There w as an obvio us co rr elation bet ween the BT EX distributio ns in gr oundw ater and sur face water , and To luene and Benzene wer e the dominating BTEX in surface water . The infiltration o f surface water co nta ining BT EX is an impo rtant source of BTEX in g ro undw ater of the easter n a rea of Foshan.
国土资源大调查项目( 1212011121167)