以松花江水污染事件为例, 通过污染物在冰2水相的分配实验, 确定出冰体冻结的硝基苯污染物浓度为原水样 浓度的6. 2%~ 13. 4%。在此基础上, 利用前期开发的冰封期水动力水质模型, 得出松花江干流2. 5 km 长度江段 冰体融化释放污染物导致水体硝基苯浓度增加了0. 02~ 0. 025 ug/ L。进一步推算结果表明, 融冰导致松花江末端 同江断面硝基苯浓度增加上限为12. 5 ug / L, 不会对水质造成重大影响。建立在冰2水相分配实验基础上的冰封期 水质模拟, 能够简单、快速的分析寒区河流污染冰体融化导致的二次污染问题。
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Taking t he pollutio n incident in the So ng hua River as an ex ample, the experiments of po llutant distr ibution in ice and water phases wer e per formed to det ermine that the nitr obenzene concentr atio n under icing conditions is 6. 2 to 13. 4% of that in the o riginal w ater samples. On the basis, the dev eloped hydro dy namics and w at er quality model dur ing the icebound seaso n w as applied, which sug gested that nitro benzene concentrat ion increases by 0. 02 to 0. 025 ug/ L in the 2. 52km long main str eam of the So ng hua River due to the effect s of nitr obenzene from ice melting. Fur thermor e, it show ed that nitro benzene concent ratio n incr eases by a max imum value o f 12. 5 ug/ L caused by the ice melting in To ng jiang section in the end of the So ng hua Riv er, which wo uld no t affect w ater qualit y signif icantly. The water qualit y simulation based o n the ex per iments o f po llutant distribu2 tion in ice and w ater phases can analyze the secondar y pollutio n pro blems caused by po lluted ice melting in co ld reg ions simply and quickly .
中国环境管理干部学院博士科研启动基金( B201405) ; 中国环境管理干部学院院级课题( 2014009 ) ; 河北省社会科学基金项目 (H B14GL006) ; 河北省科技计划项目( 13454222)