试验研究了圆中环沉沙排沙过滤池中过滤槽料层针对村镇供水原水粗滤标准设计之后的泥沙过滤性能与过 滤周期结束时滤层反冲洗效果。对滤料层优化设计、铺设、试验后发现, 当流速为19 m/ h, 进水浊度为50 NT U 时, 滤出水浊度接近0; 进水浊度为300 NT U 时, 出水浊度为3 NTU; 进水浊度为500 NT U 以下时, 出水浊度为5 NT U 以下, 满足村镇供水的源水粗滤标准[ 7] 。过滤槽过流流速在181 75 m/ h, 进水浊度为400 NTU 左右时, 过滤周期达 到13 h。过滤槽滤层反冲洗6 次滤层冲洗干净, 上下游水位差恢复到原始状态, 耗时15 min, 耗水率为11 8%。沉 沙池内淤沙冲洗和过滤槽内淤沙反冲洗完全利用水流重力冲洗, 无需额外电力, 用于村镇供水源水粗滤能达到节 能、环保、高效的良好效果。
[Key word]
The ex per iment s o n the filtr ation bed in the filter tank of sediment desilting filter of circular r ing wer e conducted to in2 v est igate the filtration perfo rmance o f the filter lay er after the desig n o ptimizat ion and backwashing effects o f the filter lay er af2 ter the filtr ation period. Thr ough the pavement and ex per iment of the filter layer after the desig n optimizatio n, the r esults show ed that w hen t he velocity w as 19 m/ h and the turbidity o f incoming w ater to be filtered w as 50 NTU, the turbidity of efflu2 ent w as close to 0; when the turbidit y o f incom ing w ater w as 300 NTU, the turbidity of effluent w as 3 NTU; and w hen the tur2 bidity of incoming water was below 500 NT U, the turbidity o f effluent w as below 5 NTU, which met the standar d o f r ough fil2 tr atio n in the rur al wat er supply. Mo reov er, w hen the velo city o f f low was 18. 75 m/ h, the tur bidit y of incoming w ater to be fil2 ter ed w as about 400 NTU, t he filtration cy cle r eached 13 hours. T he filter material was clean after six times o f backwashing, the differ ence between upstr eam and downstream water levels r eco ver ed to the o riginal state, filt ratio n cycle w as about 15 minutes, and water consumptio n r ate w as 11 8%. The gr avit y of water w as applied t o flush the silt and sand in the g rit chamber and filter tank, and no additional pow er w as needed. Therefo re, the dev ice achiev ed the objectiv e of energ y saving, environmental pr otec2 tion, and hig h efficiency w hen applied t o the ro ug h filt ratio n o f rura l w ater supply .
新疆科技支撑计划项目( 201233132) ; 新疆水利水电工程重点学科基金资助项目( XJzdxk220102 02212)