以某煤矿采空区为例, 利用Plax is 软件计算得到采空区稳定性分区指标的地表下沉值; 其次, 结合规范, 计算 稳定性分区指标地表倾斜值、地表水平变形值和地表曲率值, 利用Sur fer 软件得到各指标对应的稳定性分区结果; 最后, 综合对比分析四个稳定性分区指标的分区结果, 利用AutoCAD 软件得到采空区稳定性分区综合图。对分区 结果分析后发现, 案例中地表下沉值和地表水平变形值对采空区稳定性分区影响较大; 在自然工况下, 采空区整体 处于基本稳定2 欠稳定状态, 而在加载工况下, 采空区整体处于欠稳定2不稳定状态。文中提出的方法为采空区的稳 定性评价以及在采空区上进行拟建建筑物的场地选择提供了一种新思路。
[Key word]
The sur face subsidence value o f stability r egio na lizatio n index o f a coal g ob w as calculated using Plax is. Based o n the e2 quations in the specificatio n, the surface inclinat ion value, sur face hor izontal deformatio n v alue, and cur vature v alue w ere calcu2 lated, and the cor responding stability r egio na lizatio n maps of the abov e fo ur indexes wer e plo tted using Sur fer. Finally, the abov e stability reg ionalization results w ere compared and analy zed comprehensiv ely, and the comprehensiv e map of stability r eg io nal2 ization of the go b w as plotted using AutoCAD. The results showed that the surface subsidence v alue and sur face ho rizontal de2 fo rmation value have g r eat er influence o n the stability reg io nalization of t he go b, and the status of entire g ob is between basically stable and understable under natural w orking co nditio ns and betw een understable and unstable under lo ading co nditions. T he pr oposed a ppro ach can pr ovide refeencefo r the stability ev aluatio n o f g ob and site selection of pro po sed building abo ve the g ob.
国家自然科学基金资助( 41301015) ; 河北省教育厅自然科学重点项目( ZD2015073) ; 石家庄经济学院国家自然科学基金预研基 金( sjy201203)