目前在采煤覆岩移动研究方面较少考虑地下水活动的影响, 但地下水流失也能引发显著的覆岩移动, 且两者 在某些区域可共同存在。通过分析采空区覆岩移动的基本形式及含水覆岩层内水通过裂隙时对覆岩的作用等, 阐 述了地下水活动对采空区覆岩移动的影响机理, 认为一定条件下含水覆岩层内的水活动对采空区覆岩移动具有/ 帮 助0 作用, 在其长时间作用下可引发更大范围、更大程度的覆岩移动变形或局部突发性塌陷。
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T he cur rent r esear ch on t he over ly ing strata mov ement in the co al mine go af r arely consider s the influence of g roundw2 ater flow; howev er, gr oundwater lo ss can result in str ata movement and both facto rs occur simult aneously in some area. In t his paper, the basic form of ov erlying strat a mov ement and t he effects of gr oundw ater flow in t he water2bear ing stratum passing throug h the fr actur e o n the strata w ere analy zed, and the impact mechanism of g ro undw ater flow on the o ver ly ing strata mo ve2 ment in the go af was discussed. The f inding s sugg ested that gr oundw ater flow can / help0 t he o verlying st rata mov ement under cer tain conditions, and long2time g roundw ater flow can cause the ov er ly ing strata mov ement with la rg er ar ea and deg ree and lead to locally sudden co llapse.
河南理工大学创新型科研团队( T 20132 1)