利用大型有限元软件ABAQUS 建立了高填方渠段某一断面的二维有限元数值模型, 根据有限元强度折减法 的基本原理以及土体特性, 对高填方渠道边坡的稳定性进行了分析, 再利用有限元强度折减法的失稳判定依据确定 了合理可行的边坡稳定安全系数。结果证明, 有限元强度折减法所获得的临界滑动面结果与极限平衡法的结果几 乎一致。可见, 以特征点的位移突变性和塑性区的贯通性来分析边坡的临界破坏可以减少误差并得到合理唯一的 边坡安全系数, 因此是合理可行的。
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A two2dimensio nal finite element mo del o f a section o f the high fill canal r each was est ablished using the finite element analysis softw ar e ABAQUS. Based o n the principle o f strength reduction FEM and soil mass cha racterist ics, the slo pe stability of the high fill canal reach w as analyzed, and the reasonable stability and safety fact or o f slo pe w as determined using the insta2 bility judgment basis o f the strengt h reduct ion FEM. The simulatio n r esult s show ed that the crit ical sliding surface obtained from t he str eng th reductio n FEM is almost consist ent with that determined by the limit equilibr ium method, w hich sug gested that using the displacement mutation o f feature po ints and interconnect ivit y of plast ic zone to analy ze the critical damag e o f slope can reduce the estimation erro r and pr ovide the reasonable and unique slo pe safety facto r.
河南省基础与前沿技术研究项目( 122300410001)