南水北调中线全线通水后, 北京市将形成复杂的供水系统。为适应新的供水系统, 基于J2EE 分层架构, 开发 了北京市实时水量调度系统。针对中线实际水量调度的情况, 阐述了实时水量调度系统的设计思想、关键技术以及 对水动力学模型接口的封装, 展示了实时水量调度系统结合GIS 平台与Flash 的实现方案。该系统技术先进、实用 可靠、界面友好, 集地理信息系统、计算、显示、查询为一体, 将为实时水量调度提供有效的技术支撑。
[Key word]
After the Middle Ro ute o f So uth2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject has been constructed, a complex w ater supply sys2 tem w ill be formed in Beijing . In this paper , the real2time w ater quantity dispatching system o f Beijing was develo ped based o n J2EE layer ed architecture to adapt to the new water supply sy st em. In view of the actual water quantity dispatching , the desig n co ncept and key techno log y o f real2time w ater quantity dispatching sy stem, and the packag ing of hy dr odynamic model inter face wer e described. The realization scheme of real2time w ater quantity dispatching sy st em based o n GI S platfo rm and Flash wer e display ed. The system is technolog ically advanced, pr actical and reliable, and user2friendly . It combines t he g eog raphic informa2 tion system, calculation, display , and query as a whole, w hich can pro vide effective technical suppor t for r ea l2time w ater quant ity dispatching.
国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51379027; 51109025) ; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项( DU T13J S06)