南水北调中线渠系采用闸前常水位的运行方式, 即渠道下游常水位运行方式的水位控制点位于下游渠道的节 制闸闸前。采用下游常水位运行方式, 有利于按照最大过水流量进行渠道设计, 使得渠道的超高最小, 从而施工成 本最少。在分析闸前常水位运行方式的响应与恢复特性、蓄量补偿时间的基础上, 提出了闸前常水位运行控制方 式, 并设计了蓄量补偿的前馈控制策略和水位流量串级的水位反馈控制器。以南水北调中线总干渠的部分渠道为 研究对象, 在典型工况下进行运行控制仿真, 并把计算结果与流量主动补偿和常规下游常水位运行控制进行对比, 从而验证了本文闸前常水位运行控制算法的合理性。
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The canal system in the Middle Route of the South2to2Nor th Water Div ersio n pr oject has the o per ation mo de o f con2 stant w at er lev el befo re the sluice gat e, which means that t he w ater lev el contro l point of the operat ion mode w ith constant dow nstream w ater lev el is located befo re the sluice gate in the dow nstr eam channel. The o per ation mo de with const ant down2 str eam water level is beneficial for the channel design with the max imum w ater flow , minimum super hig h, and low co st. In t his paper, acco rding to the r esponse, r eco very char acter istics, and sto rag e compensat e t ime o f the o per ation mode w ith constant w a2 ter lev el befor e the sluice g ate, the o per ation co nt rol metho d for constant w ater level befor e the sluice gate was proposed, and the feedforwar d co nt rol strateg y of stor age compensatio n and w ater lev el feedback contro ller w ith cascade lev els of water flow wer e desig ned. T he channels o f the main canal in the Middle Ro ute o f South2to2nor th Water Div ersio n Pro ject w ere used fo r t he re2 search object, operatio n co ntr ol simulatio ns w ere perfo rmed under typical co ndit ions, and t he calculation r esults wer e compared wit h t ho se o f w ater flow compensation and conventional o per atio n contro l method with constant dow nst ream water level, w hich co nfirmed the r eliabilit y of o per atio n contr ol alg or ithm
国家科技重大专项/ 南水北调水质水量联合调控与应急处置关键技术研究与运行示范0 ( 2012ZX07205)