概述了鄱阳湖流域现有养猪场废水水质特点和治理模式( 还田、自然处理、工业化处理) , 讨论了其优缺点和适 用范围; 介绍了适用于规模化养猪场废水治理的组合工艺: IOC2SBBR2CW 和BCO2SBBR2BAF2CW 工艺, 及可用于 中小型养猪场的A/ O 一体化生物膜反应器和同时能降解有机物又能回收电能的M FC; 最后提出了拟重点解决的 问题: 推行养猪清洁生产、解决重金属和抗生素污染和开发微生物的低温高效技术。
[Key word]
In this paper, t he characterist ics o f t he ex isting pig fa rm wastew ater quality and tr eatment approaches ( returning , nat2 ural tr eatment, and industr ialized t reatment) in the Po yang Lake Basin wer e summa rized, and the adv ant ages, disadv ant ages, and applicable sco pe of the treatment metho ds wer e discussed. T he combinatio n techniques wer e intr oduced, including the technique for t he larg e2scale pig farm wastew at er tr eatment: IOC2 SBBR2CW and BCO2SBBR2BA2CW technique, the technique fo r the small and medium2sized pig farms: A/ O bio lo gical membr ane reacto r, and MFC technique which can degr ade or ganic matter and recycle energ y at t he same time. Finally, the pr imar y problems w ere pr oposed, including promo ting pig cleaning pr oduction, sol2 v ing the pollution o f heav y metals and antibiotics, and developing microbial technique w ith low tem per at ur e and high.
“十一五” 国家科技支撑计划重点项目( 2007BAB23C02) ; 江西省科技计划项目( 20122BBG70079 ) ; 江西省教育厅科技落地计划 项目( GJ J12433) ; 南昌市对外科技合作与成果转化推广计划项目( 2013HZCG001)