依据土地利用指数( land use index ) 、栖息地质量指数( QHEI) 和水质参数构建一个综合指数( ILWHQ) , 用于 浑太河流域参照点的定量筛选。结果表明, 太子河流域支流小汤河上游、太子河南支的5 个采样点为参照点 ( ILWH Q [ 2; T13, T15, T16, T17, T 18) 。根据2012 年浑太河流域68 个采样点的鱼类数据, 对35 个候选参数进行 主成分分析、判别能力、逐步回归分析和Pearson 相关性分析, 确定了鲤科鱼类种类数( F5) 、底栖鱼类个体比例 ( F12) 、杂食性鱼类比例( F14) 、耐受性鱼类个体比例( F22) 可以作为基本要素构建F2IBI 指标体系, 即采用比值法统 一各生物参数量纲, 将各个生物参数分值加和得到F2IBI 指数值。利用构建的F2IBI 指数开展浑太河流域河流健康 状况评价。发现太子河流域41 个点位中, 5 个为健康, 11 个为亚健康, 8 个为一般, 9 个为较差, 8 个为极差。浑河 的23 个点位中, 5 个为亚健康, 6 个点位为一般, 6 个为较差, 6 个为极差。太子河流域较差和极差的点位共占 411 5%, 浑河流域较差和极差点位共占521 2%, 说明相比于太子河流域, 浑河流域的健康状况较差。
[Key word]
An index of land use, w ater and habitat qua lity ( ILWH Q) w as pro po sed and applied to evaluat e the env iro nmental qualit y in the st udy area. The least deteriorat ed sites ( ILWH Q [ 2; T 13, T15, T16, T17 and T 18) wer e selected as the reference sites. Five of t he initia l 35 candidate metr ics w ere select ed using a stepw ise pro cedure ( principal component analysis, the analy sis of the range o f index v alue distributio n, stepwise reg ression analysis, Pearso n co rr elation) to evaluate metric stabilit y, r espon2 siv eness to environmental va riables and r edundancy. The selected metrics included the number of Cy pr inidae species ( F5) , the pr opor tion of indiv iduals as bent hic species ( F12) , the pro po rtio n of omniv or e species ( F14) , the pro po rtio n of individuals as tolerant species ( F22) , and the pr opor tion o f demersal egg s species ( F23) . Ratio n scor ing met ho d was employ ed to sco re the five metr ics, and the eco sy stem health of the Huntai Riv er basin defined into fiv e classes. The r esults show ed that fiv e sites wer e in ex cellent co ndition, elev en wer e in go od conditio n, eight in normal condit ion, nine in poor co ndition, and eight in ver y po or co ndition in the T aizi River basin. Ther e w as no site in ex cellent condition, five in go od co ndition, six in no rmal conditio n, six in po or co ndition, and six in ver y poo r conditio n in the H un River basin. T he sites in poo r and v er y poo r co nditions acco unted for 52. 2% o f the total sites in the H un River basin, and 41. 5% o f t he to tal sites in the T aizi Riv er basin. These f inding s indicated that eco sy stem health was w orse in the Hun Riv er than that in the T aizi Riv er.
河南理工大学博士基金( B20142071) ; 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目( 14B170015) ; 国家自然科学基金( 41401029)