海绵城市和智慧城市都是新一代的城市管理理念, 都是为了让城市变得更加美好。将智慧城市的智慧化理念 融入到海绵城市之中, 实现海绵城市的智慧化, 对于加快推进海绵城市的建设步伐和更好更高效地发挥海绵城市的 作用, 有很重要的意义。本文首先介绍了海绵城市的智慧化理念, 然后从海绵城市的规划建设、运行管理和绩效评 价三个阶段分别探讨了智慧化理念在海绵城市中的应用, 以期为智慧的海绵城市发展提供一些借鉴和启示。
[Key word]
Both spo ng e city and smart city ar e the new generations of concept for urban management to make t he city become bett er . It can help to become intellig ent wit h adding the intellig ent concept o f smart city into the spo nge cit y, which can be o f gr eat signif icance by speeding up the pace to co nstr uct the sponge city and taking advantag e o f the spo ng e cit y mor e efficiently. Firstly, this ar ticle int roduces the intelligent concept o f sponge cit y, and t hen intro duces the applicatio n o f intelligent concept to the sponge city form planning, co nst ruct ion, o per ation manag ement and per formance ev aluation of spong e city in or der to prov ide some refer ence and rev elation for t he develo pment of smar t spo ng e city.