库区滑坡涌浪会对附近岸坡造成不利影响, 可能引发次生灾害。以岩质滑坡涌浪对岸坡的影响演变过程为研 究对象, 建立了相似比 1 B 70 的三峡库区典型河道滑坡涌浪的三维地质力学模型, 研究了滑坡体宽度、厚度、滑面倾 角等 27 组不同组合工况下的滑坡涌浪爬高规律, 提出了适用于岩质滑坡涌浪爬高估算公式。结果表明, 涌浪爬高 随着滑坡体宽度、厚度、滑面倾角增大而呈现不同幅度的增加, 滑坡体宽度对涌浪爬高的影响最为显著, 其次为滑坡 体厚度和滑面倾角; 现有波浪爬高估算公式结果与岩质滑坡模型试验值存在较大差异, 在试验基础上, 提出了有关 相对水深、波坦和岸坡角度的波浪爬高的估算公式, 为库区岩质滑坡涌浪爬高估算提供理论基础。
[Key word]
Impulse w ave g ener ated by landslide in the r eser voir ar ea w ill adversely affect nearby bank slo pes and may cause sec2 o ndary disasters. This study took the ev olution pr ocess of the impact o f impulse w ave generated by r ocky landslide on bank slopes as the study o bject , and established a 3D geomechanical model o f impulse wav e g ener ated by ro cky landslide in the Thr ee Gor ges r eser voir ar ea w it h a similarity ratio of 1 B 70. We studied the law of run2up of impulse w ave g enerated by ro cky land2 slide thr ough 27 sets o f mo del tests with different combinat ions o f w idth, thickness, and slip angle o f the landslide, and pr oposed a fo rmula for estimating the run2up o f im pulse w ave generated by ro cky landslide. The r esults showed that the r un2up of impulse wav e w ould increase w ith the incr ease in w idth, thickness, and slip ang le o f the landslide. The w idth of the landslide had the most signif icant effect o n the impulse wav e r un2up, followed by the thickness of the landslide and the slip ang le of the landslide. The result of the ex isting w ave r un2up estimatio n formula differ ed gr eatly fr om that of the r ocky landslide mo del test value. Based o n the ex periment, w e pr oposed a formula fo r estimating the w ave run2up using the relat ive depth, Potain, and bank slope ang le, which can pro vide a theor et ical basis for estimating r un2up o f impulse wav e g ener ated by r ocky landslide in the r eser vo ir area.
国家自然科学基金( 51479015) ; 重庆市基础研究与前沿探索( 重点) 项目( cst c2017jcyjBX0070)