水体的纳污能力是指在满足水功能区水环境质量达标的基础上, 水体最大允许的纳污量, 其精确核定对水资 源合理开发利用与有效保护具有重要的现实意义。水利工程、人类活动等使河流原有水文情势发生了不同程度的 改变, 水文情势变化影响下的纳污能力精确核定现已逐渐成为当前亟待研究和解决的问题。以长江流域的黄柏河 为例, 选取汇入支流、水库和调( 引) 水工程 3 个主要影响因素分析了对河道水文情势及其对纳污能力的影响, 根据 水文情势的差异性变化提出了相应的纳污参数确定方法, 并基于一维水质数学模型计算得出黄柏河流域水体的纳 污能力, 最后以典型区段黄柏河东支保护区为例与传统法的纳污能力结果进行了对比分析。结果表明考虑水文情 势变化的纳污能力研究中所提出的纳污参数确定方法在一定程度上有助于水域纳污能力的准确核定。研究结果可 以为区域有效保护水资源, 防治水污染, 改善水环境提供一定的技术参考。
[Key word]
Water env ir onment capacity ( WEC) refers to the max imum amount of po llutants that can be assimilated by a w ater bo dy g iven the co ndition that the w at er enviro nment o f the water function ar ea meets the qualit y standards. The precise determi2 natio n o f WEC has important pr act ical sig nificance for the ratio nal exploitation and effect ive prot ection of wat er resour ces. Wa2 ter conserv ancy pro jects and human activities have changed the o rig inal hydro lo gical sit uation of the river to v ary ing deg rees, and the precise verificat ion of the wat er envir onment capacity under the inf luence of chang es in hy dr olog ical situatio n has gr adually become a pro blem that ur gently needs study and so lutio n. We to ok the H uang bo Riv er in Yang tze River Basin as a case study,select ed three majo r influencing facto rs, including the converg ent tributaries, reserv oirs, and w ater diversion pro jects, and ana2 lyzed their im pacts on the hy dr olog ical situation of the river and on the w ater envir onment capacit y. We put fo rw ard some corre2 sponding parameter determination metho ds, and calculated the w ater environment capacity based on the one2dimensio na l w ater qualit y mathematical mo del. Finally, taking the typical section o f East Br anch Reser ve of the H uang bo Riv er as a case study, w e compar ed the WEC r esults o f the pro po sed method and the tr adit ional metho d. T he results show ed that the pr oposed method wit h co nsideration to the impact o f chang es in hydrolog ical situatio n can contribute to the accurate verificatio n of the w ater env i2 r onment capacity t o a certain ex tent. The research results can pro vide certain technical references for reg io nal effective pr otec2 tion of w ater r eso ur ces, preventio n o f water po llut ion, and improv ement o f water env iro nment.
中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(C KS F2017045/ S Z) ; 湖北省自然科学基金项目( 2018CFB655)