基于幸福河的概念, 构建包含流域自然属性、社会经济属性、人水和谐关系等 3 个方面 26 项指标的幸福河评价指标体系, 以幸福河指数来表示幸福河的评价结果, 并根据需求层次论将幸福河指数划分为基本需求层次、发展需求层次、和谐需求层次。以黄河流域为例, 采用模糊综合评价法, 建立黄河幸福河评价模型, 得出黄河的幸福河指数需求层次。结果显示, 黄河上游和中游的幸福河指数达到发展需求层次, 下游的幸福河指数为基本需求层次, 全河尚未达到和谐发展需求层次。幸福河评价指标体系的构建为科学评价幸福河提供了参考,丰富了幸福河的理论研究。
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The evaluation index system for the Xing fu river is constructed consisting of 26 indicato rs including the natural attributes of the river basin, social and economic attributes, and the harmo nio us relationship between people and water. T he evaluation result of the Xing furiver is expressed by the Xing fu river index. According to the demand hierarchy theory , the Xingfu river index is divided into the basic demand level, the development demand level, and the harmonious demand level. Taking the Yellow River Basin as an example, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the Xingfu river index of the Yellow River. The results show that the Xingfu river index in the upstream and middle of the Yellow River reaches the intermediate level of demand and the downstream Xingfu river index is at the basic level of demand. The construction of the evaluation index system of the Xingfu river prov ides a reference for the scientific evaluation of the Xingfu river and enriches the theoret ical research of the Xingfu river.
国家自然科学基金( 51679089; 51709107) ; 华北水利水电大学博士研究生创新基金