为分析土地利用变化的内部特征及驱动机制, 从土地利用整体格局、土地利用转移方向、转移程度和土地利用单一动态度方面出发, 全面分析近 40 年以来窟野河流域土地利用的时空变化特征, 并利用 SPSS 软件系统地阐述了其驱动机制。主要结果表明: 目前, 该流域各土地类型面积占比为草地> 耕地> 煤矿用地> 林地> 沙地> 居住用地> 水域> 未利用土地, 耕地主要分布在研究区中部和东南部, 煤矿用地主要分布在河流沿岸; 在研究时段内, 煤矿用地作为动态度最高的土地利用类型, 其面积大幅增加, 主要流入源为草地和耕地, 该流域煤炭的大规模开采已严重影响到该流域的植被覆盖情况以及农业生产活动; 经济的高速发展, 尤其是第二、第三产业的壮大是导致该流域煤矿用地和居住用地发生明显变化最主要的驱动因子, 而耕地、林地、草地和水域的面积变化也与其息息相关, 但变化幅度相对较小; 此外, 人口作为重要因素之一, 也在土地利用的变化过程中起到了较为明显的推动作用。
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In order to analyze the internal characteristics and driving mechanism o f land use change, the spatial and temporal changes o f land use have been comprehensively examined based on the overall pattern of land use, the direction of land use transfer , the degree o f transfer, and the single dynamic degree of land use in the Kuye River Basin in the past 40 years. SPSS soft ware is used to systematically ex plain its driving mechanism. T he results showed that: T he proportions of different land types throughout the basin are grassland> farmland> coal mine land> forest land> sand land> residential land> water area> unused land, respectively; Farmland is lar ely gathered in the middle and southeast of the basin while coal mine land is mainly distributed along the riv er bank; In the research period, as the most dynamic type of land use, coal mine land had greatly increased its area, and its main inflow sources are grassland and farmland, and T he large scale exploitation of coal in this basin has seriously affected the vegetation cover and agricultural production activities in this basin; T he rapid economic development , especially the growth of the secondary and tertiary industries are the most important driving factor leading to obvious changes in the coal mine land and residential land in the basin, H ow ever the changes in farm land, forest land, grassland, and water area are also closely related to them, but the changes are relatively small; Besides, the population also plays a more obvious role in the process of land use change.
国家自然科学基金( 51779209)