将新安江模型、萨克拉门托模型及 TOPMODEL 应用在 3 个不同的湿润地区山区小流域, 将洪峰相对误差及峰现时间误差作为预报精度主要评价指标, 分析不同水文模型在各流域的精度及适用性。结果表明: 在南阳河流域, 新安江模型略优于另外两种模型, 但 3 种模型总体精度均不高; 在雾渡河流域, 新安江模型精度较高, 萨克拉门托模型次之, TOPMODEL 精度最低; 茅坪河流域资料匮乏, 仅有的 6 场洪水全部用于模型率定, 3 种模型均能达到预报精度要求。综合比较后发现, 新安江模型在 3 个研究流域预报精度最高。
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Xin’anjiang model, Sacramento model and TOPMODEL were applied in three small watersheds of humid areas of China. The relative error of flood peaks and error of the time of flood peaks were taken as the evaluation indexes for assessing the forecasting accuracy , and applicability of different hydrological models indifferent basins. The results showed that: In Nanyanghe watershed. the Xin’anjiang Model had the better Prediction accuracy than the other two Models, and none of these three modals had high accuracy ; In Wuduhe w atershed, the Xin’anjiang model had the highest prediction accuracy , which meet the prediction accuracy requirements, and the Sacr amento model had moderate, while the TOPMODEL model had the worst accuracy ; In Mao ping he watershed, Xin’anjiang model had the hig hest prediction accuracy, while the Sacramento model and TOPMODEL model had slightly lower prediction accuracy than Xin’anjiang model, but these three models meet the prediction accuracy requirement. After a comprehensive comparison, it was found that Xin’anjiang mo del had the highest prediction accuracy in the three selected watersheds.
国家自然科学基金( 51679061) ; 国家重点研发计划( 2018YFC1508103)