利用 GRACE( gravity recovery and climate experiment) 卫星 2003- 2013 年资料分析了华北地区陆地水储量变化, 并与同时间段的 CPC( climate prediction center) 、GLDAS( global land data assimilation system) 水文模型进行比较, GRACE 与 CPC 和 GLDAS 的相关系数分别为 0.679、0.817, GRACE 与 GLDAS 相关性更强。得出结论: 2003- 2013 年华北地区陆地水减少, 变化率为- 1. 8 km3 / a, 扣除地表水后, 地下水变化率为- 1. 3 km3 / a。其中, 2003- 2004 年地下水有所增加, 2005- 2013 年下降, 2010 年以后下降趋势变缓。GRACE 反演与水文模型模拟结 果显示, 2006、2009 年的等效水柱高( equivalent water heig ht , EWH) 均明显小于长期平均值, 并且 GRACE 最值对应月份异常, 对比国家统计局数据分析结果, 这两年水资源总量、地表水资源量、地下水资源量处于低谷区, 这与同年发生的自然灾害相对应。
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The variation of terrestrial water storage from 2003 to 2013 was analyzed using GRACE( Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellite data and then compared with CPC( Climate Prediction Center) , GLDAS( Global Land Data Assimilation System) hydrological models in North China. The correlation coefficients of GRACE, CPC and GLDAS are 0. 679 and 0. 817, respectively, while GRACE has a str onger correlation with GLDAS. The results showed that: terrestrial water storage and groundwater decreased at a rate of - 1. 8 km3 / a and - 1. 3 km3/ s from 2003 to 2013 after deducting surface water as a whole. It's worth noting that the variation of groundwater presented different stages: increased from 2003 to 2004 and declined from 2005 to 2013, the downward trend had slowed since 2010. GRACE and hydrological models showed that equivalent water height was significantly smaller than the long-term average in 2006 and 2009. The month corresponding to the GRACE maximum was unusual in the two years, compared with the results of the National Bureau of Statistics o f China, the total water resources, surface waterresources, and groundwater resources in the valley area, which corresponded to the natural disasters occurred in those two years.
国家自然科学基金( 41774039) ; 河南省高校基本科研业务费专项资金( NSFRF170807)