为查明深埋于 240 m 以下总厚度达 660 m 的多个大厚度含水层的渗透系数、涌水量、水质等参数, 基于钻孔 岩心和测井资料划分 6 个抽水试段, 利用分层抽水试验进行取样和计算相关参数。研究表明: 研究区洛河组和环 河组平均渗透系数均为上段小于下段, 同一含水岩组上下段含水层之间几乎没有水力联系; 洛河组上段含水层富 含锶优质淡水资源, 可作为城镇集中水源地的目标开采层, 同时要防止过度开采导致水质变差; 单孔多层段含水 层分层抽水试验不仅可以精确获取大厚度含水层的水文地质参数, 还对厘清含水层间越流关系及合理规划地下水开发 利用具有重要意义。
[Key word]
Water inflow , water quality and other parameters of several aquifers with a buried depth of 24 0 m and a thickness of 660 m for large thickness aquifers. Based on borehole core and logging data, the well is divided into 6 pumping section. The results showed that : the average hydraulic conductivity of the Luo he and Huanhe aquifer is lower than that in the upper section in the study area, there is a lmo st no hy draulic connectio n betw een the upper and lower aquifers of the same aquifer group, the upper of the Luo he a quifer is rich in high-quality freshwater resources, which can be used as a target mining layer for urban concentr ated water sources, and simultaneously prevent over-exploitation and lead to poor water quality, the stratified pum ping test with new packer technology may effectively solve the difficulty of obtaining hydrogeological parameters of larget hickness aquifers, which not only improve the a ccur acy of the survey but also obtain accurate and reliable hydrogeological parameters. Therefore, it is of great significance to clarify the flow relationship between aquifers and to rationally plan the exploitation and utilization of groundwater.
自然资源部地质调查项目( DD20190333; DD20160288)