基于1962—2021年闽江流域29个气象观测站的日降水量数据,运用标准化降水指数(standard precipitation index,SPI),Mann-Kendal趋势检验(M-K检验)以及Morlet小波分析等多种方法,深入分析不同时间尺度下闽江流域干湿演变特征,同时,结合海温异常指数(sea surface temperature anomaly,SSTA),进一步探究闽江流域干湿对厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)事件的响应。结果表明:近60年来,闽江流域整体呈不显著湿润化趋势,夏季在20世纪90年代后显著湿润化,秋季在1995年后有干旱化倾向,冬季比其他季节更容易出现极端干湿事件;从空间上看,流域东南部湿润化趋势明显,具有春季流域中部干旱化,夏季北部以及东南部湿润化,秋季南部干旱化的态势;全流域各级湿润和干旱事件均呈增加趋势,湿润事件多出现在夏季,干旱事件多出现在秋、冬季;闽江流域在20~30 a的范围内存在干—湿—干的周期变化。ENSO对闽江流域干湿有显著影响,且具有一定的滞后性,暖、冷事件的影响分别在滞后1~4个月和3~5个月最显著。
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The global average temperature has risen by 1.09 ℃ over the past century. The increase in temperature leads to an increase in evapotranspiration and atmospheric water vapor content, which causes the rate of the water cycle to accelerate, changing the global pattern of the spatial and temporal distribution of water and heat, thus causing the frequent occurrence of droughts, floods, and other extreme events. The Minjiang River basin is an important water conservation area in the southeast of China, with an average annual precipitation between 1 400 mm and 2 000 mm. But the inter-annual unevenness, inter-seasonal variability, and impulsive intra-seasonal distribution of precipitation, as well as the complexity of geographic distribution, make the basin regional, seasonal dry and wet problems occur frequently. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the characteristics of regional dry and wet evolution for economic and social development and ecological environment construction.Based on the daily precipitation data of 29 meteorological stations in the Minjiang River basin from 1962 to 2021, the standardized precipitation index (SPI), combined with the Mann-Kendall test and Morlet wavelet analysis, were used to analyze the characteristics of spatial and temporal changes of dryness and wetness of the Minjiang River basin under different time scales, and combined with the sea surface temperature anomaly index (SSTA), to investigate the effects of ENSO events on the evolution of dryness and wetness in the Minjiang River.The results showed that the Minjiang River basin showed a non-significant wetting trend at different spatial and temporal scales, with a weak wetting trend in spring, and the basin showed a wet-dry-wet-dry distribution from east to west. The summer SPI changed abruptly after the 1990s, showing a significant wetting trend, with a significant wetting trend in the southeastern part of the basin. In autumn, the drought trend began to intensify after 1995, with a tendency toward aridification in the southern part of the basin. Winter is more prone to extreme wet and dry events than other seasons. Extreme wet and dry events at all levels throughout the basin tended to increase on an annual scale. On the seasonal scale, the four types of wet events were on an increasing trend in summer, while extreme drought, severe drought, and mild drought events were all on an increasing trend in fall and mainly occurred after the 1990s. The SPI of the Minjiang River basin has a short-cycle change pattern of 3-8 a and 11-16 a and a long-cycle change pattern of 20-30 a. During the occurrence of ENSO cold and warm events, the mean value of SPI is ?0.124 and 0.193 respectively, and the correlation coefficients between SPI and the intensity of ENSO cold and warm events are ?0.158 and 0.242 respectively, which indicate that there is a greater possibility of wetness when warm events occur, and a greater possibility of drought when cold events occur. The occurrence of ENSO warm events has a significant effect on the wet and dry of the Minjiang River basin during the same period up to the 4-month lag months of dryness and wetness, and the occurrence of ENSO cold events has a significant effect on the dryness and wetness in the lag of 3-5 months.The Minjiang River basin as a whole shows an insignificant wetting trend, with significant wetting in the summer after the 1990s, a tendency to drought in the fall after 1995, and a greater tendency to extreme wet and dry events in the winter than in other seasons. Spatially, a more significant wetting trend exists in the southeastern portion of the basin. There is an increasing trend of wetting and drying events at all levels throughout the basin, with wetting events occurring more often in the summer and drying events occurring more often in the fall and winter. There is a cycle shift of dry-wet-dry alternation in the Minjiang River basin in the 20-30 a scale range. The dry-wet and ENSO warm and cold events in the Minjiang River basin are most significant at a lag of 1-4 months and 3-5 months, respectively.