Modeling of Hydrological Processes in Down-stream Plain Polder of the Ganjiang River
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Different from the mountainous and highland area, the application of SWAT model in the polder area is quite difficult and limited, because the polder areas in plain region have flat topography, complicated and uncertain hydrologic processes due to various pumping and irrigation stations, and usually no useful monitored hydrological data. In this paper, the JiangXiang polder of the down-stream Ganjiang River was selected for case study, and subbasin delineation, which is a key step for a successful SWAT application, was carried out under manually corrections of drainage area boundary demarcation, multi-outlet definition, and “Burn-in” technique. Then hydrologic processes of the polder area were simulated based on SWAT model, and the pumping discharge data in the year of 2006~2007 and 2008 was applied for model calibration and validation, respectively. The results showed that the coefficient of determination (R2) and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE) in each drainage area were greater than 0.63 and 0.70 respectively in calibration period, and R2 and NSE were greater than 0.70 and 0.79 respectively in validation period. It shows that subbasin delineation results are quiet agreeable with the actual situation by using manually correction techniques, so that SWAT model is applicable for hydrological modeling in the polder area and can obtain reasonable simulation results.