Effects of Phosphorus Contents in Sediments on Overlying Water Quality of Beiyun River in Beijing
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The contents of total phosphorus and phosphorus fractions in sediments of Beiyun River in Beijing were determined by the SMT and Psenner sequential fractionation method. The results showed that the average content of TP is 1086.29 mg?kg-1, indicating heavy pollution in the river. The order of average content of phosphorus fractions was Ca-P>Al-P>Fe-P>NH4Cl-P>Res-P>Org-P, and the contents of the same phosphorus fractions can vary significantly at different sampling locations. According to the correlation analysis between phosphorus fraction and overlying water quality, the TP content of Beiyun River was mainly affected by NH4Cl-P, Fe-P, Al-P, and Res-P, and Al-P had the greatest effect. NH4Cl-P, Fe-P, Al-P, and Res-P had significant correlations with the phosphorus content of the overlying water. The average content of BAP (BAP≈NH4Cl-P+Fe-P+Al-P) accounted for 48.63% of TP. The contents of phosphorus, especially BAP, in sediments have significant impacts on the eutrophication of water quality in Beiyun River.