Research on Silt Intensity in the Plain Area of South-central Weifang
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The silt in the plain area of south-central Weifang can be used as the bearing stratum of the foundation for high-rise buildings. Laboratory experiments were conducted to obtain the grading curve of silt, physical properties of silt, and the axial deformation and deviatoric stress of silt under different moisture contents and degrees of compaction. The test results showed that the silt has a good grading to reach a relatively high degree of compaction. . According to the yield stress under different water contents which were less than the optimal water content, the critical point of strain hardening and softening was determined. Water content, degree of compaction, and confining pressure were the main influence factors of the shear strength. The fitting equation of shear limit state for the regional silt was obtained when the water content was less than the optimal water content, and M(s)(slope) and μ(s)(intercept) were all constants which were independent of water content.