Environmental Isotopes Features and Exchanges of Surfacewater-Groundwater System in the Zhangye Basin of Heihe River Watershed
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In the arid inland river basin of western China, groundwater and surface water exchange frequently, and the interaction between the river and aquifer in the river basin is an important research aspect of water cycle. Environmental isotopes can effectively reveal the relationship between the river and aquifer as tracers in the water cycle. Based on the environmental isotope features of hydrogen, oxygen, and deuterium excess (d) in groundwater and Heihe River of the Zhangye Basin, the spatial characteristics of δD, δ18O, and d in different water bodies were analyzed, which may indicate the main sources of groundwater and the interaction between groundwater and Heihe River. The results indicated that the groundwater and river water are mainly derived from the snow milting water and rainfall and the hydraulic connection of groundwater in different depths is very high. In the irrigation area of the Zhangye Basin, flood irrigation on vast farmlands has caused significant impacts on the interaction between groundwater and river water, resulting in the increasing of groundwater recharging river water. The exchange between groundwater and river water was analyzed quantitatively using the mass conservation principle, which can provide scientific basis for accurate assessment and reasonable utilization of water resources.