Application of the Groundwater Flow Simulation to Study the Hydrogeological Condition in the Covered Karst Area-a case study in Daxing,Beijing
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In the overlapping uplift area of Daxing, the karst water is a significant component of groundwater resources in Beijing. In order to characterize the hydrogeological conditions of Nanyuan-Tongxian fault and Yongding River fault, a groundwater flow model was developed to simulate the covered karst system in the overlapping uplift area of Daxing using the groundwater numerical simulation software GMS. Both faults were simulated as the impervious boundary and permeable boundary in the model. The fitting effect between observed and simulated heads and water balance of the system were analyzed under the two conditions, which indicated that both faults are impervious fault. T he recharge of karst water aquifer is the leakage from overlying Quaternary porous aquifer. The research shows that numerical simulation method has advantages in the study of hydrogeological conditions of covered karst system.