Variation characteristics and trend analysis of precipi tation in Ganzhou in recent 61 years
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The va riation char acteristics and trend of precipitation in Ganzho u from 1951 to 2011 w ere analyzed using the methods of linear reg ression and mo ving averag e from the perspect ive of seasonal and int erannual v ariat ions. Five indexes wer e used, in2 cluding the av erag e precipitat ion, r ainfall fr equency, rainfall intensity, extr eme precipitat ion ev ents, and max imum daily pr ecipita2 tion. T he r esult s show ed that the av erag e annual rainfall in Ganzhou is 229. 6 mm in recent 61 year s; the spring and summer ar e the w et seasons w hile the autumn and w inter are the dry seaso ns; and t he pr ecipitatio n, precipitatio n fr equency, and ex tr eme pre2 cipitat ion events decrease slowly w hile the precipitation intensit y and max imum daily pr ecipitatio n incr ease slowly.