Analysis of characteristics of precipitation in Baiyangdian basin
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On the basis o f the daily precipitation data at 6 stations in the Ba iyangdian Basin fr om 1959 to 2009, the characterist ics of precipitation wer e analyzed using the mov ing aver age met ho d, Mann2Kendall test metho d, and wav elet analysis method. T he results show ed that the annual pr ecipitatio n amount decreased, which w as mainly caused by the sig nificant decline in the amount of pr ecipitatio n day s; the degr ee o f unev enness of monthly precipitation decreased; the precipitatio n frequency of diff er ent precip2 itation intensities w as stable, and the pr opor tion of pr ecipitatio n amount of smaller pr ecipitatio n intensity decreased w hile that of lag er precipitation intensit y increased; the amo unt and int ensity of heavy sto rm decreased significantly; and annual precipitatio n show ed four scale cycles, and 16a was the main cycle.