Spatial and temporal variations of monthly precipitation in Binjiang River basin
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In or der to investigate the spatial and tempor al var iations of precipitat ion in the Binjiang Riv er basin, the daily pr ecipi2 tat ion dat a fr om 1965 t o 2011 w ere selected and the Mo rlet w avelet analysis, M ann2Kendall t est, Mann2Whitney2Pett itt ver ifica2 tion metho d, and linea r tr end est imatio n method w ere per formed to analy ze the monthly precipitation in t he basin. The r esults show ed that during the f loo d season, precipitat ion shows an a pparently spatial difference w ith an increasing f rom the no rthw est to the southeast; averag e precipitatio ns in Ma y and June are the larg est and close attentio n needs to be paid fo r f loo d co nt ro l; during the no n2floo d seasons, the beg inning and the end of flo od seasons, precipitat ions are evenly distr ibuted and influenced by the airstr eam and topog raphy; monthly pr ecipitations show shor t cy cle of 4~ 8 a, and intermediate and long cycles of 11~ 14 a, 16~ 19 a, and 27~ 29 a; and precipitat ion in April decreases sig nificant ly and has mutatio n in 2001 in the who le riv er basin, while pr ecipitatio n in Ma y decr eases sig nificant ly and has mutatio n in 1989 in the south of the river basin.