Intra2annual variation analysis of runoff in the headstream area of Tarim River basin
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Based on the runo ff data fr om six hydro log ical statio ns in the mo untain headstream a rea o f T arim Riv er Basin from 1957 t o 2008, the intr a2annua l var iation of runoff w as analyzed using the no n2 par amet ric t est and w avelet analysis. The r esults show ed that the mo nthly r unoff, and runoff during the hig h2 and low2flow per io ds in the headstream area increase significantly; in mountain headstr eam area, the concent ratio n deg ree index ( CDI) at the Xiehela hydro lo gical statio n increases slig htly , w hile the indexes at the other five statio ns ( Shanlig uilank, Kaqun, Yuzmenlek, T ongg uzlek, and Wuluw ati) decrease; The concentr a2 tion deg ree indexes of r unoff in the mountain headstr eam ar ea has a significant perio d of 3 to 8 y ea rs. Overall, the results of the study can pr ov ide a scientific basis for realizing the sustainable use o f water resour ces in the Tar im Riv er basin.