Stability analysis and surge forecast of accumulation at a hydropower station in southwest China
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Accumulatio n slope has the character istics of lar ge vo lume, big fall, and steep slope, w hich can induce potential thr eats to the key wat er projects. In this paper, the stability of an accumulation slo pe of a hy dr opow er statio n in southwest China w as calculated and evaluated using GEO2SLPOE softw are. The method of energ y and Pan Jiazheng metho d w ere adopted to calculat e sliding speed, and the surg e heig ht w as determined by empir ical formula method of IWH R and Pan Jiazheng met ho d. The r esults show ed that local instabilit y can o ccur in the accumulatio n under stor age condit ions and the sur ge height is 0. 63 m at a tow n of 19 km dow nstr eam. H ow ever, the sur ge has litt le impacts on the dow nst ream tow ns and the dam.