Hydrochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of groundwater in Suoluoshu groundwater source area of Shandong province
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Chemical compositions and distr ibution in gr oundw ater can rev ea l the interaction mechanism between g ro undwater and the environment to some extent. H ier archical cluster analysis ( H CA) was used to analyze the main index es ( H CO-3 , Cl- , SO4 2- , K+ , Na+ , Ca2+ , and Mg2+ ) of 24 g ro undwater samples, which wer e div ided into thr ee clusters ( C1 , C2 , and C3 ) . Pr inci2 pal compo nent analy sis ( PCA) w as used to perfo rm dimension reduction tr eatment o n eight chemical index es of gr oundw at er, and three comprehensiv e index es ( PC1 , P C2 and P C3 ) wer e obtained. The chemical character istics and formation mechanism of gr oundwat er w ere analyzed using the PCA and piper diagr am r esults and based o n the location and r ock ty pe of the g ro undw ater samples. Results show ed that ( 1) C1 w ater sam ple is po re water in lo ose str at a, and its w ater qualit y is mainly affected by disso2 lut ion, leaching, and ion ex chang e based o n PC1 and PC3 index es. The w ater ty pe is H CO3 # Cl2Ca# Mg o r Cl # H CO32Ca# Mg ; ( 2) C2 water sample is st ructur al fissure w ater, and the disso lutio n and leaching effects in C2 wat er sample ar e low er than tho se in C1 water sample based on PC1 and PC2 index es. The contents of main ions in C2 are lower than those in C1 but there are mor e car bo nat e rock and mag nesium minera l in sur ro unding ro cks, which results in the increasing of CO3- and Mg2+ contents. T he water type of C2 is H CO32Ca# M g o r H CO32Ca; and ( 3) C3 water sample is weather ing f issure water , and the dissolut ion and leaching effects in C3 w ater sample ar e ev en lower based on P C1 and PC2 index es. It has go od w ater quality but can var y sig nifi2 cantly in different seaso ns. So luble fluo rine occurs in the surr ounding ro cks, which r esults in the incr easing o f F- content. T he water type is mainly HCO3 # SO42Ca# M g.