Integrated application of combined profiles method and tri electrode sounding method in groundwater exploration
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In or der t o impro ve t he dr inking w ater conditio ns o f Xiag ang v illag e in the nort h of Daiy ue district of Taian city of Shando ng Pr ov ince, the abnormal characteristics of lower resistiv ity wer e analyzed using the appar ent r esistivity combined pro2 files method in this paper. T he r esults showed t hat the fr acture development is related to the abno rmal character istics o f low re2 sistance po int of intersectio n, which can determine the fissure crushed zone w ith NNE dir ect ion. On the basis, the abno rmal char acter istics of low er r esist ivit y U2type w ere analy zed using the tr i electro de sounding method, w hich speculates the g roundw2 ater rich area in center point o f 530/ 3 and sugg est s that bedr ock fissur e dev elops at the depth of 70 to 250 meter s. Finally, the po int of 530/ 3 w as used as the drilling point, and geo physical ex plo ration w as per formed to det ermine that the point is 194 me2 ter s deep and has an aver age daily water product ion o f 168 m3 . The study not only solves the water supply pr oblem, but also pr oves that the integr ated elect ric method is a practical and effect ive w ay fo r g roundw ater ex plo ratio n.