Preliminary analysis of groundwater chemi stry evolution in Laiyuan basin
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In or der t o better under stand the evolution pr ocess and main co nt ro lling factors of local g roundw ater quality in the Laiyuan Basin, the chemical char acteristics of gr oundw at er w ere ana lyzed based o n the field hydrog eolog ical investig atio n, and inverse simulat ion was per formed to address the chemical ev olution o f gr oundwat er using the hydrochemical softw ar e PH REEQC. T he results showed that gr oundwat er flow field is contro lled by the g eolog ical str uctur es such as Tuanyuan Syn2 cline, Dong go u2Daning Fault, and Pa ifang2Fengcun Fault; calcite and do lomite are t he main miner als inv olved in w ater2 rock inter2 actio ns; the ma in chemical constituents of g ro undwater and chemical evo lutio n of g roundw ater ar e consistent w ith those o f aqui2 fer litho lo gy in space; and t he abno rmality of pH and co nt ents of nit rate, sulfate, and chlo ride are caused by human activ ities.