Prone degree evaluation of debris flow based on triangle whitening weight function of central point
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Debris flow o ften occurs in the mountain area w ith r ipe conditio ns, and its sudden outbreak makes it difficult to pr edict the ex act occur rence time. In this paper , the tr iang le w hitening w eight function method of cent ral point w as applied to evaluat e the pro ne degr ee o f the debr is flow o n the left bank o f gr ind g ully of the Ying liang bao hydro pow er station. The observ at ion in2 dexes w ere div ided into sev er al def ined categ or ies, w hich can assess the susceptibility of debr is flow using the t riang le whitening weig ht function metho d of centr al point. The evaluation results show ed that pr one degr ee o f debr is f low is mild in the study a re2 a. Compa red w ith the results o bt ained fr om the triang le whitening w eight functio n of endpo int, the tr iang le whitening w eig ht function method of central po int met ho d is mor e scientific and reasonable and fully co nsistent with the act ual co nditions. On the basis, the constr uctiv e measures w ere pro posed for the drainag e and pro tection of the debr is flow g ully in the study ar ea.