Characteristics and cause of layered land subsidence in Xinkou, Tianjin
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Use of bo rehole benchmark is an impo rtant metho d to investig ate the mechanism of la yered land subsidence in differ ent st ratums. In this paper, the lay er ed mo nitor ing land subsidence data in Xinkou, Xiqing dist rict of T ianjin City between 2005 and 2009 w ere analyzed. T he r esults show ed that t he settlements of phreatic2feeble confined aquifer , the No. II, and No . III confined aquifers decr ease annually ; the settlements of phreatic2feeble confined aquifer and the No . I confined aquifer have insig nificant relat ionship with t he exploitation quantit y, and they ar e mainly caused by elastic defo rmatio n; the settlements of the No. IV con2 fined aquifer ar e st ill increasing unifo rmly and the reduction of ex plo itatio n quant ity in the No. II and No. III co nfined aquifer s cannot help r est rain the settlements of the No . IV aquifer. The r esults can pro vide refer ence fo r the distr ibutio n adjustment of gr oundwat er ex ploitat ion in this area.