Hydrochemical characteristics and deterioration reasons of karst groundwater in Daxing covered karst area of Beijing
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Based on the surv ey results o f kar st water in 2012 and previous data in Beijing, the hydrochemical char act eristics, the water qualit y evo lutio n, and the causes of g roundw ater quality deter ior atio n o f cover ed karst w ater in Dax ing2Tongzhou of Bei2 jing w ere investigated. The results showed that the hy dr aulic connection betw een the two gr oundwat er stor age structures in Daxing and To ng zho u is w eak and the hy dr ochemical cha racteristics ar e differ ent. The ka rst water type is mainly HCO3 # SO42 Na# Ca in To ng zho u. The total hardness and total dissolved so lids ar e low and the w ater quality is go od in the area There is no obvio us chang e in water qua lity compar ed with that in 1998. The karst w ater type is mainly HCO32Ca# Mg in Dax ing. The to tal har dness and total disso lved solids ar e high. The qua lit y is poo rer in H uangcun2Dongg aodi ar ea. T he water quality deter ior ates and the total har dness and total disso lv ed solids increase compared w ith those in 2001. T he karst g ro undwater is po lluted and the pollutio n sco pe ex pands g radually in Dax ing . Ther e ar e tw o main causes of w at er quality det erio ration in Dax ing: ( 1) landfill leachat e and po llut ed surface w ater enter into the upstream of karst water ; ( 2) long2term excessive ex ploitat ion of ka rst gr ound2 w ater changes the g r oundwater hydrody namic field and stor age conditions of kar st w ater.