Numerical simulation of flood routing in flood detention basin based on EFDC model
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Dig ital Elevat ion Model( DEM) inter po lat ion techniques can help achieve the ar ea ter rain data rapidly . The hydro dy2 namic mo deling and computat ional analy sis module in EFDC model w ere used to establish the flood routing model, and model results can be visualized w ith the help of ARCGIS display functions. In this paper, the flood routing in the Daming flood detention basin of the Zhangwei River was simulated based on the flood on July 1962, and the model results based on three different designed flood2releasing schemes w ere compared and analyzed. The results showed that the EFDC model performs well to simulate the evo lution law of the flood, w hich can prov ide v aluable references for the flood contr ol decision2making in the flood detention basin.