Application and research of remote sensing in irrigation management of hetao district
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Compared with t he tr aditional approaches of dat a collectio n, the techno lo gy of remo te sensing is an effectiv e too l to ob2 tain data in a quick, compr ehensive, real2t ime, and o bject ive fashion. In this paper, the irr igat ion manag ement info rmation re2 quirements, curr ent dat a collectio n status, and applicatio n of r emote sensing techno log y w ere analyzed. The remote sensing tech2 nolog y w as applied in the applicatio n of ir rig atio n management system of Hetao Ir rigatio n Distr ict. The applicatio ns included: ca2 nal data ex traction using the suppor t v ect or machines classificat ion metho ds; cr op str ucture identificatio n using the suppo rt vec2 to r machines classification methods based o n the multi2tempora l r emote sensing images; data ex tr act ion of actual irrigated ar ea based on the v ariat ions of per pendicular droug ht index before and after irr igat ion and g r ound surv ey lo cat ions t o realize the mo2 nito ring of irr igat ion prog ress. T he r esults show ed that remo te sensing can cover the shor tage of the traditio na l approaches of informat ion collectio n. Therefor e, application of remot e sensing in the management of lar ge ir rigation distr icts has a br oad pr os2 pect.