Study on soil erosion intensity classification based on field survey, remote sensing data and CSLE model
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Calculatio n of soil ero sion intensity classification based o n field survey , remo te sensing informat ion, and soil erosio n model is an impor tant method to mo nitor and analy ze the long2term reg ional so il erosio n. In this paper , Jingbian Count y of Shaanx i Pr ov ince located in the hilly and g ully reg io n of no rthwest loess plat eau and H eng x ian County o f Guang x i Pr ovince lo2 cated in the so uthw est mo untainous reg ion o f China wer e selected as the study area. Based on f ield inv estig ation and remot e sensing data, r eg io nal so il ero sion quantit y in a 30 m pixel scale was calculated using the CSLE mo del. Soil erosio n intensity clas2 sificat ion index es ( thr ee facto rs method) of the Minist ry o f Water Resources w ere used to classify the so il ero sion intensity in the study area. The results showed that the results obtained fr om the CSLE model ar e better than tho se fr om the three factor s met ho d; compa red w ith r esults f rom t he three factor s method and the seco nd natio nal so il erosion remo te sensing survey pro2 g ram, areas of ex tremely intense so il er osio n and sev ere soil ero sion from the CSLE mo del method account for a lar ger propor2 tion Applicat ion soil ero sion model to monito r and analyze the var iatio n of each index can benefit the lo ng2term monito ring of so il erosio n and pr ov ide r easo nable ex planatio n; how ev er, facto r v alue assig nment can have a gr eat impact o n the model results