Application of AquaCrop model in evaluation of agricultural drought losses
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T he AquaCro p model, based on t he mechanism o f cr op g rowth pr ocess, was intro duced to develop the quantitativ e rela2 tionship betw een cro p environmental facto rs( w eather, so il mo isture, etc) and cr op yields, and t hen to construct a quantitat ive e2 v aluatio n model o f the agr icultural dr ought losses. The model w as a pplied to calculate the ag r icultural dr ought losses o f seaso n rice in Zhanyi County o f Qujing City in Yunnan Prov ince. The results showed that the AquaCro p mo del can assess the agr icul2 tur al droug ht losses objectiv ely and pr ov ide data suppor t for dr ought r isk analysis.