Early warning diagnosis of Tanghe reservoir dam based on blind number theory
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The cur rent dam war ning diag nosis met ho ds hav e t he disadvantag es in the info rmation pro cessing and r esult pr esenta2 tion. In this paper , a blind diagnosis ana lysis method for the early war ning o f dam w as pro po sed based on the blind number theo2 r y. First, the w arning status reflected by w arning factor s was described in the blind number fo rm. Seco nd, the index w eig ht of each factor was determined by the AHP met ho d, and thus the war ning status o f each war ning factor can be calculated and ana2 lyzed using the blind number calculat ion algo rithm. Finally , the results o f each w arning factor w ere per formed no rmalizat ion pro2 cessing to o bta in the dam compr ehensive w arning in the blind number form. Based on the mo nitor ing data of Tanghe reserv oir, this met ho d can pr ov ide a blind diagnosis to the ea rly w arning o f reserv oir dam w ith g ood effect s.