Study on the management performance evaluation model of water conservancy agent construction project based on SCP
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During the next Natio nal Tw elfth Fiv e2Year Plan per iod, mo re and more w ater conser vancy projects w ill be implemen2 ted using the ag ent co nstr uction mo de. The r esea rch o f t he management per formance ev aluatio n mo del fo r w ater conser vancy a2 g ent co nstr uction pr oject has theoret ic and practical significance. Acco rding to the char acter istics of w ater conserv ancy pr oject, a co nceptua l model o f manag ement perfo rmance w as established, including agent co nstr uctio n structure and agent constr uctio n co nduct. A three2dimensio nal manag ement per formance ev aluatio n model of water co nserv ancy ag ent construction pr oject w as co nstr ucted based o n the SCP ( Structur e2Co nduct2Perfo rmance) analysis paradigm. Thr ough lit erature rev iew and questionnair e surv ey, the ev aluatio n dimension w as r efined. Finally , a compr ehensive and pr actical per formance ev aluatio n index sy stem w as developed, which consisted o f 13 first g rade, 27 second g rade, and 33 third g r ade index es.