Prediction of arch dam deformation based on Markov Chain2 Kalman filter method
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Deformatio n mo nitor ing and ea rly war ning analysis of the dam play a key ro le in the healthy operatio n of dam. H ow ev2 er , there ar e unavo idable random erro rs in the monito ring data. Kalman filter ing met ho d can eliminate the no ise fr om t he ob2 serv ed data effect ively; howev er, the predictio n o f the displacement trend o f the dam does not ag ree w ell w ith the actua l condi2 tions using this method. In this paper , Mar ko v chain2Kalman filter metho d w as pro posed, w hich can not only remov e the r andom erro r but a lso pr edict the displacement accur ately . Based o n the observed displacement data o f an ar ch dam in Zhejiang Pr ovince, the metho d show ed an accurate prediction of dam deformatio n. Therefo re, Mar kov chain2Kalman filter met ho d can be used in the pr ediction of ar ch dam defo rmatio n and security monit or ing .