Application of EGM2008 model in the middle route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
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In terms of the char acter istics of long r oute and smo oth terr ain of the Middle Route of the South2to2Nor th Water Transfer Pro ject, this paper pr oposed a method to ca lculate the heig ht anomaly and obtain the no rmal heig ht using the EGM2008 model. The leveling results w ere co nsidered as the tr ue values, the elevation fitting precision and er ro r in the elevatio n differ ence per kilometer w ere calculated, and the height fit ting precisio n based on the EGM2008 mo del and plane fitt ing method was evaluated. Accor ding to the eng ineering ex ample, it show ed that the no rmal heig ht results obtaining fr om the EGM2008 model can meet the demand o f fourth2g rade2leveling and the f itting pr ecision is bet ter than that obtained f rom the plane fitting met ho d. Thus, EGM2008 model can realize the integ ration of ho rizo ntal and vert ical contr ol sur vey in the Middle Route of the So ut h2to2Nort h Water T ransfer Pr oject.